


A Project by Evie Satijadi, Toni Antonius & Deden sambas W.A.F ( SRK )
Archipelago - August 25, 2008
Yuli Tri Suwarni, The Jakarta Post, Bandung
At least 130 artists at Sanggar Olah Seni (SOS) artists complex in the Babakan Siliwangi reserve, Bandung, have rejected a municipal's plan to evict them to make way for a large restaurant.
"This complex is the artists' life, uniting us with nature. Why is the municipality sacrificing us and the city forest for the sake of money," SOS spokesman Syarief Hidayat said Friday at the complex.
"Here, under the trees we can work and get inspiration. It's like a 'spiritual oasis' for artists to produce their work," he said.
Artists wanted to defend the complex, Hidayat said, which had been there around 26 years, also in an effort to conserve the area which is said to be the last remaining patch of forest in Bandung.
The artists received a letter from the municipality tourism agency urging them to relocate to a new art center, one kilometer away.
"The new place has lots of kiosks and is in a noisy area. If it's just for selling art work, we can do that anywhere," he said.
Earlier, Bandung Tourism Agency head Askary Wirantaamadja said his office had told artists they would be relocated to Tamansari art market.
"We have prepared kiosks at the market. They would be more visible to buyers, and thus it would be easier for the artists to market their work," Askary said.
Separately, municipal spatial planning and public works head Juniarso Ridwan confirmed that his office had given building permission to a restaurant in the Babakan Siliwangi reserve.
"Yes, the permit is just for a restaurant," said Juniarso, responding to a rumor that a cottage, student and lecturer residences as well as 24-story apartment would be built at the site.
The permit to build the restaurant was reportedly given to developer PT Esa Gemilang Indah, a subsidiary of Istana Group.
The 1.6 hectare site with old and dense woodlands has many water resources which have never dried up during the dry season. Geologists say these water resources were the last in the area.
The municipality has already begun efforts to evict the artists from the site.
On Oct. 15, 2004, a group burned down an installation piece created by noted artist Tisna Sanjaya in the complex. The fire also razed several trees in the city forest.
Besides the SOS artist complex, Lebak Siliwangi sub-district office (next to SOS) would also be evicted.
" We were not informed that the building permit for the restaurant had been issued," subdistrict secretary Sulaeman said.
The subdistrict office was relocated to that site from the lower part of the reserve in 1992 when the Bandung Institute of Technology built the Sasana Budaya Ganesha multi-function sports center.
Bandung, Kompas - Seniman di Bandung masih terkendala ruang publik yang layak untuk memamerkan karya seni. Penyebabnya antara lain minimnya ketersediaan lahan dan tingginya biaya sewa tempat. Kondisi tersebut dikhawatirkan dapat mematikan kreativitas seni.
Pelukis, Andi Sopiandi, Kamis (18/9) di Bandung, mengatakan, dalam sekali pameran perlu biaya minimal Rp 10 juta. Itu sudah termasuk biaya publikasi, terutama pembuatan poster dan pamflet.
Biaya penyelenggaraan pameran yang mahal menjadi kendala terbesar. Apalagi, uang yang dikeluarkan sering tidak setimpal dengan hasil yang diperoleh. Beberapa tempat, seperti Rumentang Siang dan Galeri Kita, dianggap minim perhatian, khususnya tata letak atau pencahayaan.
"Dengan segala keadaan ini, tindakan Pemerintah Kota Bandung membangun rumah makan di Babakan Siliwangi sebenarnya harus dipertanyakan. Ruang yang sudah sedikit tentu akan semakin berkurang. Seniman di Kota Bandung akan semakin kesulitan mempertahankan eksistensinya," katanya.
Pelukis, Arman Jamparing, menegaskan, Bandung masih minim tempat pameran yang layak pakai bagi seniman. Hal itu menyebabkan kerugian pendapatan dan nama baik daerah. Seni sebagai salah satu investasi tidak tergarap maksimal.
Tergilas daerah lain
Selain kehilangan pendapatan dari kedatangan turis, kesenian warga Jabar bisa tergilas daerah lain. Keprihatinan ini, menurut Arman, harus segera dikritisi pemerintah daerah. Rencana pembangunan rumah makan di Babakan Siliwangi, misalnya, bertentangan dengan ketersediaan ruang publik di Bandung.
"Mereka seharusnya melihat langsung kondisi kesenian hingga tingkat paling bawah. Semua pihak sudah bosan dengan janji kampanye memajukan seni Bandung dan Jabar yang kenyataannya tidak pernah terwujud," ujarnya.
Menanggapi ini, pengelola Galeri Soemardja, Aminudin Siregar, memaklumi bila banyak seniman mengeluhkan tingginya dana untuk mengadakan suatu pameran. Karena itu, khususnya Galeri Soemardja, Aminudin tidak mau menganggap masalah finansial menjadi alasan utama suatu pameran.
Di Galeri Soemardja, tidak ada syarat tinggi dan khsusus pada karya yang layak tampil. Yang penting, karya bisa dinikmati masyarakat seluas-luasnya.
"Ke depan, pemerintah diharapkan mendorong swasta terjun membangun galeri komersial. Salah satunya memudahkan peraturan membangun dan melindungi fasilitas kesenian. Cara ini diyakini menaikkan nilai ekonomi kesenian Jabar," katanya.
Menurut Koordinator Museum Barli, Syarif Hidayat, permasalahan keterbatasan dana dan ruang memang menjadi hal yang tidak pernah usai, bahkan terus menjadi kegelisahan banyak seniman di Bandung.
Akibatnya, banyak karya baru urung muncul dinikmati publik akibat minimnya saran pendukung. Maka, sebagai salah satu pengamalan atas pesan almarhum Barli, pihaknya membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi semua orang dari berbagai latar belakang yang ingin belajar bermacam-macam seni. (CHE)
Theme : From the world with love
An Open call inviting people from all over the world to share your love in a creative visual pieces for an important exhibition at the end of the year held by Deden Sambas W.A.F (SRK ), Evie Satijadi and Toni Antonius will be exhibited in SOS Gallery at Basil ( Babakan Siliwangi ) Area as part of a movement to grow and to preserve awareness for Human and Natural Green Area. To Understand Global warming. To let the birds keep singing and our kids to enjoy the beauty of Nature. It will be curated by
Size / Technique : Free, anything that can be mail.
Documentation : Online , http://www.savesos.blogspot.com/
Dateline : CLOSE
Exhibition : 7 February 2009
No return, No Jury, no fee.
Please don't forget to include your name and email, if possible with your picture
email : Seniman_s@yahoo.com.sg
Please sent to :
Deden Sambas W.A.F
Jl.Gegerkalong Hilir No.18/ 173 B